Moments That Matter

There are moments in our lives that catch us vulnerable and ready to learn.  Moments that teach humility and optimism.  As a Care partner with a person with Parkinson’s there are many times when things happen.  Like the day you hear about the diagnosis, emotions run through your mind of despair, helplessness, and loneliness. 

 We have had so many moments…many more than I can lay out here but I feel that sharing a few may help someone that may have just been diagnosed or a loved one that cares.  There were many moments that mattered after “the diagnosis”, looking back the Journey has been amazing but yet we wish that Parkinson’s was not a part of our lives.  Sitting under a tree on a farm in Iowa eating a PP&J and drinking chocolate milk during RAGBRAI (Registers Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) watching a video that had just been received via email from Davis Phinney thanking all the people with Parkinson’s that were riding with our group.  A special individual that took the time to share his thanks was an emotional moment for me that has been repeated many times. 

 Attending a Victory Summit in Denver and being told that I was wanted to be a part of the Ride the Rockies Davis Phinney Foundation team.  My thought that there was no way I could climb the Colorado Mountains, I’ve now done it six times and I’m getting ready for a seventh.  The moment that mattered happened when our group of Las Vegas misfits came together and created as a team Parkinsons Place Las Vegas.  This has been a labor of love to bring together all PWP in Southern Nevada, no one should be left behind or left to feel less that they are.    We hope to be a great resource. 

 And then this past week when Cidney went in for DBS surgery, and then to have it postponed.  Even while working through the emotions of anger, and frustration of not understanding simple questions of why and how come, a moment that mattered took place.  Through my eyes of frustration, I saw a Neurosurgeon that cared and attempted to reach out, even though I wasn’t in a place to respond, it mattered.  On our way home from the hospital that day looking for some good that could come from our discouragement when the phone from our dear friends at the Davis Phinney Foundation, “come to Seattle to the Victory Summit”.  What a great idea and a profound moment that mattered.  We went to work and made it happen and in our moment of discouragement we were lifted up, renewed and ready again to achieve DBS.  In Seattle, more than once it was said that we hate Parkinson’s followed up with but then we would not be here.  So many amazing friends, so many people with Parkinson’s working together to live well today.  We can’t express our feelings of thankfulness for this opportunity to attend.  We were ready for DBS, now we are really ready, with a renewed spirit and determination.  On our journey with Parkinson’s we would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant and truly see the things that matter most.  Every Victory Counts!

Written by Pat Donahoo

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