Being Honest With Yourself


This week I will be looking into the third of the 10 Tips for Living Well -  being honest with how you are feeling.  Having come off an amazing week after the Parkinson’s Place, Las Vegas Movement Fair, having met so many great people living with Parkinson’s and their care partners, I would say I’m feeling great! But, that is not what is meant in this tip.  Being honest about how you are feeling in dealing with living well means a few different things.  1) Being honest with your doctors, which may include advocating for your needs. 2) Being honest with yourself, are you doing your best?  3) Being honest with your feelings and staying balanced and not dwelling on your disease?

As a care partner with a person with Parkinson’s being honest with how you are feeling is interesting and equally important.  When my PWP recently had DBS surgery I became a caregiver.  This gave me a cause to reflect and be honest with myself.  Spending a great deal of time serving, taking care of, and being on call 24/7 can take a toll.  Caregivers are ready and willing to do whatever is needed, but time out…what about the caregiver.  Living well includes eating right, proper sleep, and downtime for exercise etc.  Just as with a person with Parkinson’s the caregiver too needs to be honest and balanced in living well.  I’m not an expert but I do know that living well as a care partner and as a PWP requires work.  I really enjoy being a care partner, we are working together.  As a caregiver, you are taking control and making things happen.  I believe that there is a special place for both caregivers and care partners.  Balance in life, being honest = never giving up and doing your best!

-Pat Donahoo (aka - Alfred)

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