One In a Million

Preface: Mark writes his blog every week and relies on me his coach and friend to post. I was a bit tied up last week and send my apology for not getting last week’s post up on time. This post, as he told me, came for my love of everything Marvel. Not his, but man did he make it his. My super hero’s are not just on screen.

Martie at RSB.


When it comes to movies, it’s super heroes, and then more super heroes.  Personally, I am not into the comic book super heroes, I like my heroes a little closer to home, you can have Deadpool, Ant Man, and the rest, I’ll take Parker, that’s my kind of super hero. If you never heard of Parker you are not alone, I just made it up, but Parker is real none the less.

Parker (Last name, X or Y chromosome it doesn’t matter) is just your normal run of the mill person. Parker has no outstanding physical traits, everything is average, and unlike most super heroes Parker only wears spandex at the gym. Parker’s claim to fame prior to discovering a super power was nothing. But one day Parker’s life changed forever, a little twitch here, a little twitch there, nothing major mind you, but what Parker experienced was not normal. Parker kept the discovery a secret, and like all super heroes Parker was able to walk among piers drawing little to no attention to the changes taking place. 

As Parker’s transformation began to take place, co-workers started to take notice, and ask questions. In typical super hero fashion Parker played it cool, a simple “nothing” was enough to satisfy the curious. But unlike other super heroes Parker’s changes were having a negative impact, no longer could Parker smell, write, body movement became slow, Parker knew it, it was time for action. After a visit to his doctor an appointment was set up to see a neurologist. After a quick walk up and down the hallway, the neurologist gave Parker the news, “you have Parkinson’s Disease”, Parker froze not hearing another word. The doctor repeated his diagnoses, and added “it is progressive and degenerative”, Parker now knew the foe.

After a time to gather thoughts, Parker decided there was no other choice but to fight back. But fight what? Parker thought: “how do I fight an incurable disease?” At that moment Parker realized that the super power needed to battle this foe had been within Parker all along, “the will to live is what I need, I will fight this dreaded disease”. And like all super hero’s movies this one leaves you hanging, for even the creator has no clue how it will end, let this epic battle begin.   

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