Rock Steady Christmas Party Joy

Our Rock Steady Boxing Christmas Party was a huge success.  I think back to when I only had one loyal fighter with me working out with me at the park before we opened the gym.  Today, we have a big huge family and it just keeps growing.  I have said many times, that each day I watch these brave people come in, workout like crazy and share tears and laughter, makes my heart grow bigger.   Each one of these fighters have a very special place in my ever growing heart.

At the party, one of the guys, Fred, stood up and said that “we were given a raw deal, being diagnosed with PD, but that we can choose to fight against it and live a very full life”, which he and his wife do everyday. When I think about all the love that was in that room, the fighter that pushes me closer to God (or pulling, it is a struggle), to the woman who teaches me about graceful courage, to the laughter I share with each person with PD and their amazing caregivers, I wouldn’t have had all those people, in my life without PD. So yes, my lemons are all sweet lemonade. (Pat, thank you!)

Keep on Fighting and Merry Christmas to all of you.


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